Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Anal juice-Human hair-cancer, it's what's for dinner.

I am not sure why it's taken so long for my body to let me know that the crap I was eating on a daily basis was killing my body.  Though, if there has been a lesson from repeated trips to the E.R. in the past few months with no actual diagnosis other than gastrointestinal problems, it has been not to trust the food that I have grown to love. Not to trust the companies that market chemicals to my children so that they may, when in their teens, pay money to pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to help "cure" them of the very diseases encased and packaged for humans in the food we purchase because we don't have the time anymore to grow our own food.

Before I get started, if you have any braincells left from all the processed foods already consumed, you should use them to understand that what you read next should change the way you eat forever.
That is, if you care at all about what goes inside your body.

Believe it or not but Americans are getting sick and fat.
Have been for years, heard this before, makes you sick, doesn't it, but I know you won't do anything about it, will you. This fact alone scares me to my core.

I am 30 yrs of age at the time of writing this article.
6ft 1'
I have recently spent a lot of time in the hospital with as of yet undiagnosed stomach problems.
Because of the woman I love shocking some sense into me by throwing away stuff that was fatty in our house, I have started reading the labels on the stuff that fills my pantry shelves and ends up going to the graveyard in my fridge.
Long gone are the days when things were actually natural, maybe 2-3 ingredients. Stuff you could pronounce, stuff that you could hold the product it was derived from, which came from the earth, in your hands.
Try it today, in the grocery store, the next time you go in to buy the government's long-term lethal injection substitute known globally as industrial or commercially produced food.  It's not even real food these days. You would expect carrot cake to have carrots in it, but nope, there are bits of flavored who-knows-what instead, mixed with god only knows what other chemicals to preserve and make food look pretty and maybe, i mean possibly, make it safer.  That bit isn't really even known.  I mean, they spray beef with a toxic ammonia gas to kill bacteria and it doesn't even work.

I guess I am just confused at how people don't seem to be rioting in the streets, burning down the buildings of these companies that are feeding them human hair and rat feces and bugs and bones and cancer-causing chemicals. Same thing about smoking. We smoke cigarettes and we know they kill us off, but we are given an I-don't-give-a-shit epidural or something put into our food and water.  Is there a way to find an untouched part of the world and just move there and grow organic food and raise organic animals? I want to move underground, like that movie with Brendan Fraser.  I need donations to get started for sure. Don't know how to build a new community underground.

I get how we got to this point. What I don't get is with this information slapping us in the face, we devour these foods and go back for seconds and thirds and more until our hearts give out or cancer eats our bodies away. We crave them, have dreams about them. IF YOU KNOW ME YOU KNOW I  LOVE FOOD.
 Do some research on what is actually in the food you consume on the daily. I shop differently now.  I got out of the grocery store today at about $85 minus all the "Natural Flavoring" and hair and oh my gosh I don't even want to dwell on what I have been tricked into eating. Don't know to what I am referring? Than click this link -   http://www.rodale.com/gross-food

We are getting sicker and fatter and we don't care enough to not do the things we have been accustomed to doing, what we have been programmed to be doing to live in this society.

I am scared to eat. I know I need to eat to sustain my body. I need nourishment. I believe that organic farming is the way to go, if it's even possible to grow crops that are not strains of genetically modified seeds.  At this moment I can see no problem with eating meat, as long as the animal is completely organic in itself. But I start thinking, to get away from chemicals, is my soil even chemical free, so as not to impart some its chemically contaminated particles into my crops? Do seeds even exist that haven't been genetically modified in some secret way that's "better" for us?

I am so angry right now. I am not going to eat anymore food that has been processed in any way that I don't know how it's been done. I am disgusted. I don't trust food anymore. I don't trust America. I don't trust anything.

companies putting crazy shit into food.
what happened to ethics.
we just don't care about life anymore it seems.
I am so frantic about this outrage
I am going crunchy
call it what you will. I will not stand by and keep eating these chemicals. they are linking everything we make to giving us health problems. everything in our home can kill us. I am so outraged by doing research that I can't even finish this post correctly .

Here is the point to this whole blog post right here. Are you ready?

There is no limit to what we will do to our fellow man or what we will do to ourselves.  Will we change it? The majority will be dead before they can. The rest are too comfortable with our blissful stupidity.  Join an organic community supported agriculture program, buy some land and have an organic farm.

I will be going off the grid slowly. Kinda sucks, I was just getting into the whole technology thing, but if we can feed ourselves and surround ourselves with shit that kills us and not care, we are most assuredly doing it with anything and everything we can get in our hands. I am giving myself bone cancer right now every time my fingers come in contact with the plastic that my keyboard keys are made from. There is transference. Maybe this is why we are becoming sterile as a race. I am afraid now, so much anxiety at the moment, nothing is what it seems. catch 22

Do we want to be bored for the rest of our lives cause we don't move or eat or touch anything ever again, or continue living our lives pretending that we are doing what's best for ourselves.

Stay alive long enough to work ourselves to the bone to pay to live, money spent from breaking our backs and being away from our families, and give it all to these companies making some guy rich who, btw, lives on a farm and eats organic and raises his own organic animals and won't even touch a Mceedees burger or drink from a plastic cup cause that dude's company makes a product from human hair and duck feathers to use in commercially produced breads as a substance to keep the dough together. OMFG
I made my neighbor throw up when I told her this.
The lady eats like America does.
She's not small.
She literally threw up in her mouth, but will she change anything? Fuck no, she was ordering a pizza, in between yacking in the toilet and ordering. Thoughts about how we have no idea what we are eating isn't enough to scare riots in the streets.
I'm not going to do it any more.
It will take me some time but I will let go somehow and get my family away from the death trap we just accept.
God, now I just threw up in my mouth.
I don't get it. Hair on your head is ok; hair in your soup, you're flipping the fuck out on the waitress; being told you have been eating it all along in fucking everything, no reaction. You actually go to the store to purchase more crap.
Will you do anything about it?
Start with a tweet, a plus 1 and a like on thee olde Facebook to let people know again for the umpteenth millionth time.
AMERICA- we are being fed god doesn't even know what in our food. They are trying to feed it to our kids.
We are paying for it and voting for it and NOBODY'S DOING ANYTHING. Are you kidding me? I, for some reason, don't thing this should take six more sad documentaries for us to understand.  Our government thinks we are stupid cattle, just moving the price of futures through the years to fatten wallets for A MADE UP THING CALLED MONEY to line the pockets of the already rich.  This can't go on anymore.

And, sadly, it's not just food, it's everything. I thought the people had the power. We are letting them kill us. Kill our offspring. Our dreams and memories are gone when we are dead. The earth will be here till it's gone. Why are we hiding the truth from ourselves? There's so many of us. How can we allow this to go on.  I am going to document my journey somehow.  daily-frugal maybe, I don't know, but crunchy nonetheless.
Smallz out.

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