Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The "Drive" thru Tacoma

I am a spontaneous monkey who searches for the better banana. I really try hard. I succeed in my head; however, I end up with the banana I started out with in the first place...
Every now and then I find a better banana.

 It was a great idea, I would get a camera and take pictures and video of Tacoma from my perspective and from the perspective of the beautiful city that should be shown to the world via the world wide web. The camera, a Bloggie Touch from Sony, was supposed to take hd video in 1080 p at like 30fps (frames per second). $100. Step one, the internet: secured. Step two, camera: procured. Step three, get Rachel on board: check. The baby cooperating, we headed out to film Tacoma the right way. Rachel (my Gf) at the wheel, armed with the street knowledge to outsmart a native, we embarked.

 It started off great. I snapped a quick few pictures and took a few 10-second videos while the light was still good. Problem is with the spur of the moment trips like we take, the lighting is the furthest thing from our minds. We once drove three hours in the middle of the night just to walk on the beach the next morning. And make out. I think there was a lot of making out on that trip.

 Anyway, the light started to give out as we tooled around the city, and all the while the baby was snoozing in the securely strapped rear-facing car seat. We just started to make it back into downtown when its started sprinkling and made the camera...work...too hard I guess?? Not sure but the pics looked a lot less than 1080 p hd or whatever they are supposed to be. I might have gotten one or two usable shots to post on tacomalove.tumblr.com the "Official" Tacoma Love Tumblr.

 Its OK though, because it gave Rachel and I the motivation to really make this video something to be proud of. Something Tacoma would be proud to see on YouTube or daily-motion representing us in Japan, China, and Russia. I'll get the shots that nobody has yet. A lot of the shots I think are going to the commons, I believe as share alike public domain photos anyone can use if they just throw a bit of credit my way. Moral of the blog post: keep being spontaneous, but in more of a planned kinda way. I mean, with a little research and thought, I would have remembered certain construction blockings that ate precious time from the light I had for shooting. that's all. Nothing else.

 If you love Tacoma or want to see what it looks like here. Go to the Tacoma love tumblr. However, I think if you click the pics you come back here... Or they go to my flickr. I think it's cool; you guys prob all think it's lame.

 I am lame.

 Tacoma video in the works, first filming hitting the editing bay in the next few days. Rachel and I are going to do one section of Tacoma a week, complete with cool little either unknown or little-known facts of the section we will be covering. Shelby might present it like a freakin' news reporter, who knows. I love my city. I love My Family.

Smallz Out.

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